社會責任及慈善活動 / Social responsibilities and Charities
我們是一個成立於香港的品牌,我們熱愛香港!希望為香港作出改變! 雖然力量雖少,但是亦希望為大家帶出一點正能量。為大家帶來歡樂。如果閣下希望BROWNIE & RONNIE的角色能用於閣下的慈善活動,可電郵聯絡我們查詢!
We are a local brand in Hong Kong. We love Hong Kong and would like to make changes! Although we've only limited power, we would like to spread out the positive energy and happiness to the people. If you would like to cooperate with us for charities purposes. Please feel free to contact us by email. Thank you very much!
我們歡迎各方的合作及授權洽談!Cooperation opportunity
如貴司對我們BROWNIE & RONNIE有興趣的話,歡迎相談合作及授權事宜。本公司歡迎各方相談關於卡通人物授權,商品授權及市場行銷等合作機會!如有問題,敬請查詢及指教!
If you feel interest to our brand, you are welcomed to cooperate with us for character licensing, product development and marketing projects! If you've any enquiry, please contact us by below form. Thank you!